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School Policies

Attendance Policy and Procedures under Jordan District Policy AA432


Regular attendance and punctuality are of the utmost importance for academic achievement. Students are expected to attend each school day. It is the parents’ responsibility to see that regular attendance is maintained. Please schedule outside appointments for after school and try to plan vacations during the summer months.

Legitimate absences are defined as: verified illness, medical appointments, bereavement, court appearances, emergencies, preapproved educational leave, and special family or religious events. Even though the absence is excused, students are still recorded as absent.

Absence Procedures:

  1. District Compulsory Education Letter #1 is sent home in the opening folder.
  2. After five unexcused absences, the attendance secretary or teacher makes personal contact and expresses concern about the student’s attendance. Improved attendance is encouraged.
  3. After ten unexcused absences, letter #1 is mailed to the student’s parents.
  4. After fifteen unexcused absences, attendance letter #3 is sent by certified mail and a mandatory attendance meeting is scheduled with principal, teacher, parent/guardian, and student.
  5. After twenty unexcused absences, attendance letter #4 is sent by certified mail requesting attendance mediation or a court referral.

Tardy Procedures

  1. When students arrive late to school, they need to check in at the office before going to their classrooms.
  2. After five tardies, the attendance secretary contacts the student’s parents.
  3. After ten tardies, letter #1 is mailed to the student’s parents.
  4. After fifteen tardies, letter #2 is mailed requesting a meeting with the student’s parents.
  5. After twenty tardies, a referral is made to the District Attendance Specialist.

Westland Elementary School Code of Conduct

Westland is a wonderful school where teachers, students, principal, and staff work together to create a safe and exciting environment. If we work together, we can have a beautiful school where students feel confident and happy while they learn. Please review the following policies with your child.

District Policies

Exclusion Policy

Jordan District students and employees are entitled to a learning/working environment which is free from unlawful acts. Therefore, the Jordan District Board of Education shall not tolerate acts of violence, use or possession of weapons, criminal behavior, or gang activity in schools, on school property, or at or around school activities. Students whose actions pose a threat to the health and/or safety of students or staff members may be excluded from school.

Students may be excluded from school permanently for the following reasons:

  1. Possessing, using, selling, or attempting to sell any firearm, facsimile of a weapon, knife, explosive device or firework, chemical weapon, martial arts weapon, or other dangerous object which when used as a weapon can inflict bodily harm on or around school property or at school activities or functions.
  2. Causing or attempting to cause damage to either person or school property through arson, burglary, stealing/larceny, or criminal mischief.
  3. Unlawfully and intentionally touching or striking a Jordan District student or employee with intent to cause bodily harm.

Jordan District administrators are required to enforce this policy to protect the safety of those seeking an education and to ensure that a safe learning environment is maintained in every school.

District Dress Code

Experience indicates that there are sanitation and safety factors directly related to proper dress and grooming. There is a real and reasonable connection between proper dress/grooming and the successful operation of the school with respect to discipline as well as to student achievement.

  1. All students will be required to wear clean clothing. Clothing or items that disrupt the educational mission shall not be allowed.
  2. Students shall not wear clothes that are mutilated, cut off, or immodest, e.g., short shorts, mini-skirts, bare midriffs, halter tops, spaghetti straps, tank shirts, or similar clothing. Clothing shall cover the midriff, underwear, backs, and cleavage at all times. Skirts, dresses, and shorts must be at least mid-thigh length or longer when seated.
  3. Shoes shall be worn at all times that insure personal safety and hygiene.
  4. Jackets or clothing with insignias that do not reflect the dignity of learning, modesty, and principles of education are not to be worn. This would include any clothing with vulgar words, profane or obscene slogans and advertisements for alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
  5. Students are not to wear hats of any kind within the building.
  6. Gang-related clothing, colors, and paraphernalia will not be allowed in schools or activities. School officials will determine what constitutes “gang” clothing, colors, and paraphernalia after consultation with law enforcement agencies as needed.
  7. For health and safety reasons, students may be required to wear certain types of clothing in connection with specialized activities.

District Discipline and Harassment Policy

Any form of harassment—sexual, racial/ethnic, sexual orientation, or differently-abled, will not be tolerated.

Students who engage in fighting or show lack of respect for others will receive verbal or written reminders. Parents will be contacted if students exhibit repeated disrespect or fighting. Students will lose recess privileges and may experience some form of disciplinary action such as in-school or home suspension if their behavior does not improve.

Think Time

We believe that all students deserve a positive environment for academic and social growth. To help create such an atmosphere, we teach, encourage, coach and reinforce appropriate behavior to assist students in following classroom and school rules.

We will continue the school-wide discipline program “Think Time” and encourage you to review this policy with your child.

There will be two specific rules that will be used consistently throughout all areas of the school.

  1. I will follow directions the first time I am asked.
  2. I will show respect for all school personnel, other students, and possessions.

Additional classroom rules may be developed cooperatively by students and teachers.

“Think Time” gives students a quiet time to calm down, refocus their actions, and prepare to return to the classroom ready to work in an appropriate manner and take responsibility for their own actions and learning. We see it as a very positive process. Please read and review the following guidelines with your student(s).

  1. “Think Time” is held in another classroom where the student is directed to a special desk to complete a debriefing form. On the form, the student will describe the misbehavior, explain what will be done to resolve or correct the problem and indicate the level of willingness to cooperate in the future.
  2. Upon returning to the regular classroom, the debriefing form will be reviewed by the teacher. If it is completed accurately the student will be welcomed back into the room. If not, the process will be repeated.
  3. A student who receives three (3) “Think Times” in a single day will be assigned to a lunch detention. Parents will be notified. If three (3) lunch detentions are assigned in a quarter, there will be a meeting with the student, parents, teacher, and principal.
  4. Serious behaviors such as fighting, bullying, etc., will result in immediate lunch detention without going through the “Think Time” process.

“Think Time” is assisting us in providing a safe and positive learning environment for everyone.

Staying Indoors for Recess

If student health issues dictate a need to remain indoors during recess, parent/guardian must send a note to the student’s teacher. During lunch recess, students will be seated at a lunchroom table to work on assignments or read a book. Students will be expected to work quietly and not cause a disruption.

Playground Conduct

Students are to demonstrate safe behavior at all times while on the playground. This includes taking turns on playground equipment as well as using equipment safely. Students will treat supervising adults with respect and listen and follow directions at all times.


Bike racks are provided for students who ride their bicycles to school. Students need to have and use a sturdy lock to secure their bicycle each day. While on school grounds, bikes must be walked. The school does not take responsibility for stolen and vandalized bicycles. Skateboards, rollerblades, and “heelies” are not allowed at school.

Building Contact

Students will be expected to leave and enter the building through their grade level door in an orderly and quiet manner. Parents should not walk their child/children to their classroom before school begins. Instead, walk them outside to their grade level door. Taking students to classrooms before the bell rings infringes on teachers’ planning and preparation time.


If students should require medication during school hours, parents must complete a medication release form in the office. No medications of any kind will be administered without a medication release form.