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Westland Procedures and Code of Conduct


  • For safety reasons, please do not send your children to school early. Students not eating school breakfast should arrive on campus no earlier than 8:05 a.m. Most days classroom doors will not be opened until 8:15 a.m. Students should go home immediately after school ends at 2:55 p.m. There is no supervision on campus before or after school.


  • Our cafeteria serves nutritious lunches daily and we encourage all students to purchase their lunches in the cafeteria. However, students may bring cold lunches from home. Lunch menus are posted on our school website. Menu items are subject to change.
  • Meals need to be paid for in advance on a weekly or monthly basis. We encourage parents to pay online through Family Access in Skyward. The cost of regular school breakfast is $.80 and lunch is $1.75. The cost of reduced breakfast is $.30 and lunch is $0.40. Milk is $0.25.
  • Students eating school breakfast may enter the cafeteria doors on the east side of the building. Breakfast service begins at 7:50. Free and Reduced applications are available online (with registration materials) and upon request at the school office any time during the school year.


  • In the event of an emergency including a child’s illness or injury, we need to be able to locate you. Accurate information is critical. Please inform the office if you change your address or phone number for home, work, or cell. You can change this information anytime on your family access in Skyward.


  • Parents, please come to the office and sign-out your student. Only the parent, guardian, or someone listed on the child’s online profile will be allowed to sign-out the child. Identification is required.


  • To help ensure the safety of our children, the district has an automated call to notify you that your child is absent. If your student is going to be absent, please notify the school by phone before 9:30 a.m. and you will not receive an automated call.


  • We invite parents to contact their child’s teacher whenever they have a concern or question. To avoid disrupting the classroom, we encourage parents to email or call to schedule appointment times before or after school. We do not send phone calls to teachers during school instruction time.


  • Please talk with your student’s teacher concerning classroom treats, there may be student health issues in the classroom, including serious food allergies. Food brought to school should be store purchased and not homemade.


  • Please notify the office and your child’s teacher if your child has any special medical needs or allergies. Our district nurse will assist with student health plans when needed. You can find this form online.


  • Utah State Law requires that students do not self-administer any medication in an elementary school. All medication must be kept in the office and administered under the direction of school personnel. In order for the school to administer any medication, the office must have on file a Request for Giving Medication at School form, which must be filled out and signed by the child’s physician. This pertains to non-prescription as well as prescription drugs. Each year this form must be renewed.


  • Students are asked to walk bikes, and scooters once they are on school property and to lock them up in the fenced area provided. Motorized vehicles are not allowed on the lawns, sidewalks, or playground. No dogs, alcoholic beverages, drugs, smoking, firearms, archery, golf, skateboarding, rollerblading, sleigh riding, tubing, or skiing is allowed on school grounds. Grounds are closed from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.


  • We have a locked campus. All visitors must enter the school through the main doors and check-in at the office. All other doors are locked during the school day. Visitors will sign-in and receive an identification tag to be worn while in the school. Westland runs emergency drills throughout the year in accordance with JSD policy.


  • School volunteers should complete a volunteer form available in the front office. We ask parents volunteering inside the classrooms to leave pre-school and small children at home. Due to liability concerns, no school-age children from other schools may visit Westland Elementary during school hours.


  • Westland Elementary is a walking school. No bus service is provided.


  • 21 degrees or warmer = Outside Day
  • 20 degrees or colder = Inside Day
  • If there is bad weather inversion, or if it is raining heavily, there is also a chance of having an inside day. These days are decided by the administration and may change several times throughout the day. (Air quality - Utah Department of Environmental Quality)
  • We will try to post the information on the sign on the building. If you see a red flag at the front of the school that is also an indication that students will come directly into the building instead of lining up outside to wait for the bell to ring. We are in the process of buying a weather station for our school. This will be the main source of information in deciding if it will be an inside or outside day.

Jordan District School Closure Policy

  • Parents and employees should listen to the following designated radio or television stations for school closure information between the hours of 6-8a.m. (If schools dismiss early, the media will air the announcement as soon as possible and we will alert parents by Skylert.)
  • School closures are very rare. Parents should use their own discretion on very stormy winter days.
  • Radio Stations: KSL 1160
  • TV Stations: KSL Channel 5, KUTV Channel 2, KTVX Channel 4, FOX Channel 13
  • You will receive an automated message via phone or email in an emergency situation (Skylert). All announcements are for one day only. No announcement means normal operation for the school. Emergency closures in year-round schools will be made up first on Presidents Day and then during Spring Recess.


Behavior Expectations

  • Every student who comes to school has the right to feel safe and to learn in a positive environment. Westland has a set of learning and behavior goals that are taught and reinforced with our students:
    • Work Hard
    • Include Others
    • Live to Learn
    • Develop Confidence
    • Contribute to the Community
    • Act Kindly and Respectfully
    • Take Responsibility
  • We believe that learning and applying these behaviors will help students to do their best at school, and also understand and accept others.
  • Most disciplinary problems at school can be solved at the classroom level. Parents will be contacted by the teacher when there is an issue. For repeated negative behaviors, or for more serious infractions, the student will be referred to the office to speak to the principal. Correcting these problems involves teaching problem solving strategies and coping skills to decrease the behaviors, and also assigning consequences to deter the student from engaging in the same behavior again. Typical office referrals will be addressed by the student talking with the principal, the principal completing an investigation (if necessary) and contacting the parent/guardian to discuss the situation and consequences.
  • Typical school consequences include the following:
    • Lunch detention: for most minor infractions. A multiple-day detention may be assigned for a more serious incident or for repeated behavior.
    • In-school suspension: for more serious infractions or repeated
    • Out-of-school suspension: for serious violations, including but not limited to: fighting/physical aggression, school safety violations, and extreme and/or repeated instances of bullying.
  • Appropriate consequences for infractions of school rules will be discussed with parents on a case by case basis.
  • Please encourage your children to report behavior that creates an unsafe or uncomfortable environment to a trusted adult. Teachers and administration are more likely to be able to resolve these issues when they can be addressed in a timely manner.


  • What is bullying?
    • Intentionally mean, disrespectful, and/or hurtful behavior.
    • Targeted actions that occur over time.
    • An imbalance of power between the aggressor and the victim.
    • Can be verbal, written, physical, or electronic.
  • Incidents of bullying will be handled according to the discipline steps outlined above.

Dress Code

  • Students are expected to dress in a manner that shows respect for the educational environment and is befitting the day’s activities.
  • JSD Policy states:
    1. Clothing should be clean and in good repair.
    2. Hats and other headwear may be worn unless it is disruptive, poses a danger, or limits the ability of others to identify the student.
    3. Clothing must cover from the top of the armpit to approximately mid-thigh with no viewable undergarments and must be from the top of one armpit to another and connected from the front to back over the shoulder, have fabric in the front (covering the abdomen), on the sides (under the arms), and have a closed back. It must provide coverage of the buttocks, genitals, and chest with a fabric that is not see-through.
    4. Clothing, appearance, etc. shall be free of anything lewd, vulgar, profane, obscene, or sexually suggestive or that advocates or promotes racism, discrimination, violence, or hate. Nothing that depicts gangs, tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc. is allowed.
    5. Sunglasses may not be worn.
    6. Footwear shall be worn at all times. For safety reasons, students who wear shoes with retractable wheels will not be allowed to use the wheels while on school grounds.
    7. Any dress that creates an unhealthy, unsafe, or disruption to the school or school activity may be prohibited.


  • Students are to leave personal property such as toys, games, and electronics at home as they can be disruptive to the learning environment. The school is not responsible for lost and/or damaged items that are brought to school. Cell phones are discouraged, but if they are brought to school, they must be turned off during the school day and kept in the student’s backpack. If students wear watch phones, they should not be used during the school day. All phone calls should go through the classroom teacher or through the office.

*Upon completing the online process, your online signature will also serve as verification that you have read and reviewed Westland Elementary School Procedures and Code of Conduct.